Sunday, September 12, 2010


很久沒有為自己添置攝影器材了,上一次添置的一部已經差不多是四年前的事了,當年添置的是 Canon 的 Prosumer 「高檔傻瓜」PowerShot G7 數碼相機, G7 配上了一片1000 萬像的 1/1.8 吋 CCD,是當年我所擁有最高解像度的一台數碼相機,曾經有一張由該機攝得的作品獲國立台灣美術館購藏,雖然該系列的「高檔傻瓜」至今己經歷了四代的改版,而第五代 G12 也快要登場了,我還是喜歡我的舊 G7。

直至去年底擁有 f2.0 大光圈的 Canon S90 登場時才再次令我心動...最後,我還是忍了過去...

上月底,新版 Canon S95 出爐的消息還是由好友們傳達到我的耳邊。當我內心正在掙扎的非常時刻,一位熱心的好友主動地為我下了決定,並向相熟的攝影器材店為我訂下了一台。

於是乎,我便高興地帶著我的 S95 到萬佛寺「開光」。結果,它並沒有令我失望。

圖:《餘暉》 photo taken with Canon S95, program "P", -2/3 exposure, auto ISO
註:事實上,在那期間曾有前輩好友相贈高檔 DSLR 一台,該機至今仍是我所喜愛的。


貓SIR said...

just like u. i've not bought any camera for many years. when i was deciding whether to buy canon s95 or samsung ex1 to replace my ricoh gx100, the price and image quality of sony nex3 or nex5 attracted me a lot. do u know my decision?

Bendick Leung 梁萬斯 said...

Hi 貓 Sir,

The Sony Nex3 and Nex5 are designed with inter-changeable lenses. They have bigger sensors (APS-C-sized CMOS) and more pixels than the Canon S95. Canon S95 is a real compact camera with short zoom but large aperture for evening shots. I have found that Sony Nex3/5 are bit difficult to handle due to heavy lenses mounted on their slim bodies. Sony Nex is also more expensive than Canon S95. They belong to two different classes and cannot be compared directly.

I like Canon s95 because it is so handy like a mobile phone to carry around.

Anyway, what have you finally decided?