Thursday, December 17, 2009



“影得好 sharp 呀!”
“用 mud 野機影既呢?”
“d 相系邊度曬架?”
“e 張咪系上次果個活動影個囉!”
“車!呢個 model 我都影過距啦!”



EKO said...

My family members (3 generations)from Canada and USA enjoy viewing your Blog. My grand children, grand nephews/nieces do not read Chinese, not to mention the Hong Kong Chinese. I advised them to use the Google Translate Tool and the result is hilarious, but still very educaitonal and enjoyable.

Thank you Ben. Pls post more photos for our appreciation and enjoyment.

Bendick Leung 梁萬斯 said...

Thank you for your appreciation. I regret that your grand children may have to use their imaginations. But then in my view this would be the most interesting part. "A picture is worth a thousand words". I will continue letting my photos to speak.

I wish your family a Merry X'mas!